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s1 24 Ballet Lesson


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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:5,000 ]
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Ballet Lesson!

Peppa is going to her
first ballet lesson.

This is Madame Gazelle,
the ballet teacher.

Ah, ho! You must be young Peppa!

I am Madame Gazelle!

Hello, Madame!

So sweet!

Welcome to your
first lesson of the ballet!

I'll pick you up later!

Bye bye!

Enjoy yourself!

Here are Peppa's friends,

Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog,

Rebecca Rabbit, and Pedro Pony.

Children, today we have
a new pupil, Peppa Pig!

Now Peppa, run and join your friends!

Hello, everyone!

Hello, Peppa!

Children! We begin
with demi-plier!

Demi-Plier. Now a
Little jump, petit jete.

With grace and beauty.
Petit jete!

Grace and beauty!

Petit jete!

Grace and beauty!

The ballet lesson
is a lot of fun!

Raise you arms!

Lmagine that you are
beautiful swans!

And what noise do you
think a swan might make?

Ah, ho.
Grace and beauty!

Peppa loves dancing!
Everyone loves dancing!

Mummy! Mummy!
We all danced as swans!

Peppa did very well!

I had to dance beautifully
and gracefully!

That's lovely!

Can I show you how I did it?

Let's get home first.

Then you can show Daddy Pig,
and George, and me.

Bye bye!

Peppa and Mummy Pig
are home!

Daddy! George!

I'm going to show you
how to do ballet!

Is it difficult?

It was easy for me.

But you, George, and Mummy
will find it very hard.

First, we need music.

Good. Now, George, Daddy and Mummy,

you must copy what I do.

Madame Gazelle used funny words.

But really, it's just bending
your knees and jumping.

Ah, the petit jete!

Daddy! You know the funny words!

Mummy Pig and I used
to be quite good at ballet!

Do be careful, Daddy Pig.

Our favorite was
the pas de deux!


Ooofff! That wasn't quite
how I remembered it.

Silly Daddy Pig!

Maybe we should
leave the ballet to Peppa!

Yes, I am the best at it!

I am a beautiful swan!


bending ['bendɪŋ] n. 弯曲度 v. 弯曲(bend的ing形式) { :2194}

hello [hə'ləʊ] n. 表示问候, 惊奇或唤起注意时的用语 int. 喂;哈罗 n. (Hello)人名;(法)埃洛 {zk gk :2238}

sheep [ʃi:p] n. 羊,绵羊;胆小鬼 {zk gk ielts :2697}

silly [ˈsɪli] n. 傻瓜 adj. 愚蠢的;不明事理的;没头脑的 n. (Silly)人名;(匈)希伊;(法)西利 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :2789}

rabbit [ˈræbɪt] n. 兔子,野兔 vt. 让…见鬼去吧 vi. 猎兔 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3037}

candy [ˈkændi] n. 糖果(等于sweets);冰糖(等于sugar candy,rock candy);毒品 adj. 新潮的(服饰);甜言蜜语的 vt. 用糖煮;使结晶为砂糖;美化 vi. 糖煮;成为结晶 {zk gk cet4 ky :3446}

bye [baɪ] n. 轮空;次要的东西 int. 再见 adj. 次要的 n. (Bye)人名;(挪)比埃;(中)拜(广东话·威妥玛);(英)拜伊;(瑞典)比耶 {zk gk :4072}

grace [greɪs] n. 优雅;恩惠;魅力;慈悲 n. (Grace)人名;(英)格雷斯,格雷丝 (女名);(法)格拉斯 vt. 使优美 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4104}

ballet [ˈbæleɪ] n. 芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞乐曲 n. (Ballet)人名;(西)巴列特;(法)巴莱 {gk cet6 ky toefl ielts :4421}

beautifully [ˈbju:tɪfli] adv. 漂亮地;美好地 { :4992}

pony [ˈpəʊni] n. 矮种马;小型马 adj. 小型的;每日摘要的 vt. 付清 vi. 付清 {gre :5400}

madame ['mædəm] n. (法语)夫人;太太 {zk ky :5484}

Danny [,dæni] n. 手(尤用于与幼儿说话时);侦察用车 { :6223}

swans [swɔnz] n. 天鹅( swan的名词复数 ) { :6666}

swan [swɒn] n. 天鹅;天鹅星座 vi. 游荡,闲荡 n. (Swan)人名;(英、芬、德)斯旺 {cet4 cet6 ky :6666}

rebecca [ri'bekә] n. 丽贝卡(女子名,寓意迷人的美) { :7378}

HO [hәu] int. 呵;引人注意;表示惊讶 n. (Ho)人名;(柬)霍 { :9281}

gracefully ['ɡreɪsfəlɪ] adv. 优雅地;温文地 { :10468}

pas [pɑ:] n. 一种舞步 n. 优先权 { :15001}

pedro ['pi:drəʊ] n. 彼得牌戏(一种纸牌戏) { :16443}

petit [pә'ti:, 'peti] adj. 细小的;次要的;没价值的 n. (Petit)人名;(英、法)珀蒂;(西、罗)佩蒂特 { :21247}

gazelle [gəˈzel] n. 瞪羚;小羚羊 n. (Gazelle)人名;(西)加塞列 vi. 似瞪羚般跳跃 { :22494}

suzy [ ] n. 苏西(女子名) { :25521}

deux [ ] n. 飘零双燕;两个世界(电影名) { :36435}

lesson [ˈlesn] n. 教训;课 vt. 教训;上课 {zk gk :1325}

hoop-la ['hu:pl'ɑ:] n. 投环套物游戏

jete [d'ʒet] n. <法>(芭蕾舞的)小跳(单脚跳起单脚落地)

a lot of fun [ ] [网络] 非常有意思;很大的乐趣;许多有趣的事情

be careful [ ] [网络] 小心;当心;注意

bye bye [ ] n. 〈儿〉瞌瞌;床 adv. 上床 int. 再会 [网络] 再见;白白,拜拜,再见;玛丽亚凯莉

enjoy yourself [ ] [网络] 祝你玩得开心;祝你玩得痛快;尽情享受

first lesson [ ] un. 〔宗〕第一段经文(指英国国教会在早祷仪式中诵读的选自《旧约》的一段经文) [网络] 第一课;第一节课

pas de deux [ˌpɑ: də ˈdɜ:] n. (芭蕾舞等中的)双人舞 [网络] 芭蕾双人舞;蓝鸟双人舞;公主与王子的双人舞

so sweet [ ] [网络] 甜蜜蜜;如此甜蜜;好甜蜜

to dance [ ] [网络] 跳舞;跳舞吧;致跳舞

welcome to [ˈwelkəm tu:] v. 欢迎来到 [网络] 欢迎到;欢迎到来;欢迎来某地

grace and beauty
petit jete

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用